Open Pulled Straw


should you use
the OPS?
We know you already have an established method for cryopreservation in your lab.
You may not want to change unless there are some sound reasons for it.
Here we collect these reasons. Please consider them.
A regretful mistake in vitrification is the eternal confusion of tools with methods. Tools (OPS, Cryoloop, Cryotop, etc.) are NOT strictly related to the parameters (cryoprotectants, equilibration times, temperatures, etc) they were first described with. Parameters are constantly changed and improved, while tools may remain successful for decades.​
However, OPS is not "just another vitrification tool". OPS has some special advantages.
It is a thin-walled open tube. Unlike most vitrification devices it provides mechanical protection without the need of additional caps.
The volume of the sample is small enough to ensure high cooling and warming Rates (over 20,000áµ’C), while the danger of evaporation or accidential warming during transfer between LN2 containers is minimal.
Loading by using the capillary effect, and expelling samples by using the warming-expanding air inside the thick end of OPS is easy and safe.
Samples do not attach to any solid surface and float easily from the OPS after warming.
Package in sterile containers for contamination-free storage is easier and safer with OPS than with other tools.
In contrast to many other vitrification methods, we provide all information about the composition of media including source, concentration and - with the purchase of OPS straws - even a practical manual for in-house preparation.
Free email consulting and troubleshooting help is always available.
To ensure that you learn and use the method properly we offer you
on-site courses in your laboratory
online remote teaching and coaching through SKYPE​
​with this unique option you may learn the method in a few days
need only a webcam and (optional) a microscope with camera/screen
through interactive teaching you learn each steps properly
you are asked for consulting fee only if you are satisfied with the outcome
Last but not least,
OPS is the most affordable vitrification method.
By using our tools and suggestions
you may spare up to 80% of the expenses.
© 2015 Gábor Vajta