Open Pulled Straw

Place an order

Ordering of straws cannot be simpler. Easier than eBay.
Just send us an email, and in 3 days, we send you the straws
by air-mail from Australia alongside with the invoice.
Payment should be done by bank transfer.
We've chosen this method to eliminate extra expenses
that had happened by using local distributors.
Mutual confidence is required, but we were never disappointed, so far.
The method works in many countries of 5 continents.
We do not ship media. We offer you a simple protocol alongside with your order, for in-house media preparation. The protocol ncludes sources of chemicals (the same sources are used for ready-to-use media by other companies), a practical manual how to make aliquots for 2 months, say 100 vitrification-warming tubes, just in 3 hours. No worries with delays, no losses with expiration. All the time the same medium, same constituents from your stores, for years.
Seem to be annoying? Easier to buy? Maybe.
Strangely, many of the most respected clinics in the USA and Europe still use in-house media, because these media are regarded reliable and inexpensive. Not a point in other countries?
By using this approach, you may buy, vitrify / warm one straw for up to 15 dollars (depending on the price of chemicals in your country), all included. How about the price with your actual method?