Open Pulled Straw

Other tools
supporting your OPS vitrification work

The OPSbox is a specially designed LN2 container for cooling - packing into container straw as well as for unpacking - warming of OPS straws.
The quadrangular compartment is used for cooling.
A relatively small amount of factory-derived and/or sterilized liquid nitrogen is required for each patient.
The removable stainless steel holder can be sterilized easily between patients with a simple chemical procedure (Bielanski and Vajta, 2009).
The cylindrical compartment is for pre-cooling container straws. A stabile holder for multiple straws ensures easy and rapid insertion and sealing.
The two separate compartments minimize the danger of contamination and decrease the need of LN2. The structure of OPS and the volume of the sample ensures safe transfer from one compartment to the other without the danger of accidental warming.

Purpose-designed heat sealer to close hermetically the pre-cooled 0.5 ml container straw
for safe storage of OPS in liquid nitrogen.
This storage method eliminates the main potential source of contamination during vitrification.
Although the danger of patients' infection as the consequence of oocyte-embryo cryopreservation is negligible (not a single case has been found after millions of transfers), these tools help you to minimize even the theoretical danger while preserving all benefits of ultrarapid vitrification.
OPSBox and Sealer are products of our partner, Proanalysis Shenzhen.
Please contact us for more information / order.