Open Pulled Straw


Loading-cooling; warming-expelling

Manuals, workshops, videos, and...
Vitrification and warming protocol
for human oocytes and embryos
Vitrification and warming protocol
for cattle morulae and blastocysts
Vitrification and warming protocol
for human embryonic stem cells*
In-straw dilutin for semidirect transfer
in cattle
4 day vitrification workshop program
5 to 8 days embryology course program
*Our suggested protocol is identical with that described in the paper of Reubinoff et al., 2001.
A more detailed protocol is also available upon request.
Detailed manuals for in-house preparation of vitrification and warming solutions - including
sources, suggestions and warnings - are available upon request after your first order.
Recently, OPS vitrification performed with commercially available vitrification/warming media was found highly successful for cryopreservation of preimplantation human embryos in all stages of development .
SAGE media use the principles established for OPS and Cryotop vitrification (Vajta et al., 1998; Kuwayama, 2005)
This option means a help for those who may consider to use OPS but have legal/technical obstacles to prepare in-house media.
The price is affordable and the outcome is excellent
(I have no commercial interest in advertising Sage or Origio products)
Warmed blastocysts and D3 embryo